Spiritual Health
Physical Health
Marriage and Divorce
Quotations Regarding Health
Articles on the Subject of Marriage and Divorce
A Wise Mother Counsels Her Daughter Before Her First Date
The Simple Truth Regarding the Question "Who may marry?"
Is Separation (
) Divorce?
"In the Eyes of God, He Is Still Married"
Redefining Words in Defense of Traditional Teaching on Divorce and Marriage
"God Hates Divorce" - Does He Really?
Divorce and Remarriage: When and Why I Changed
Traditional MDR Teachers Cannot Have Their Cake and Eat It Too
MDR: Dealing with Objections
Who May Marry?
APOLUO (put away) – Response to a Confused and Obstinate Individual
"May A Person Marry and Divorce for Any Reason?"
"Apoluo" Does Not Mean Divorce, Which Is Devastating to Teachers of Human Tradition on Divorce and Marriage
Did Jesus Say, "A Divorced Person Commits Adultery Upon Marrying"?
Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage (MDR) - Do Some Think It Is a Game?
1 Corinthians 7:10, 11
Video: Apoluo DOES NOT Mean Divorce
Divorce Versus Putting Away: Exegesis of Mark 10:2-10:12 (ASV)
Divorce and Remarriage: What the Issue Is Not
Was Moses' Teaching on Divorce God's Teaching, and Did Jesus Contradict Moses?
1 Corinthians 7:39
Paul’s Undeniable and Indisputable Teaching that the Divorcee May Marry
The Stigmatization of the Divorced
The Unmarried (Agamos): Who Are They? (Text: 1 Corinthians 7:8, 9, and 11)
Who Answered Questions on Divorce and Marriage that Established New Law?
May the Divorced Marry? What Does the Bible Say?
The “Exception Clause” in Matthew’s Account: To What Was Jesus Referring? (Matthew 5:32)
How to Properly Study Divorce and Marriage to Determine Eligibility: Good Hermeneutics Requires Studying in Logical Chronological Order
Does the Greek Word "Apoluo” Mean Divorce?
New Testament Translations That Do Not Translate Apoluo as Divorce in Matthew 5:32
Matthew 5:17-32 Destroys Traditional MDR Teaching
Divorce and Remarriage
To Those Who Believe and Promote the Devil's Doctrine
"Not Under Bondage" - "The Pauline Privilege" or "Doctrine of Abandonment" - (1 Corinthians 7:15)
MDR Versus the "Simplicity that is in Christ"
Does Divorce End a Marriage?
Civil Divorce Procedure & Biblical Putting Away: Are they Synonymous? -- A Review of Harry Osborn's Article
A Review of Wayne Jackson's Article in
Christian Courier
on Divorce and Marriage
Romans 7:4 Taking a Closer Look-Israel (Divorced) "Married to Another" -- Christ
Marriage Rights Being Denied Contrary to the Scriptures
Response to Joshua Richardson's Sermon on Divorce and Remarriage
Is Romans 7:4 a Text Without Meaning?
“Only Death Ends Marriage”: A Review of Timothy Sparks’ Teaching
Who May Marry?
Tract format (PDF)
Divorce and Remarriage – Why All the Passion?
A Comprehensive Study of 1 Corinthians Chapter Seven (PDF)
Ten Pieces of Evidence that Prove Jesus Did Not Say Divorced People Commit Adultery in a Second Marriage
Forbidden Marriage Laws of the Church
Another look at
Deuteronomy 24:1-2
: The "Guilty Party"
Did Jesus Marry Israel?
The Meaning of
Deuteronomy 24:4
Open Bible Study:
Who Has the Right to Marriage? (PDF)
Deut. 24:1,2
--by Mike Willis
Rules for a Happy Marriage
Qualities that Make for a Good Wife
Jewish Women in Chains
-- Article that proves Jewish women are still being "put away" and not divorced
The "Get" (Divorce Paper) Not Given
Answering Questions Regarding Divorce and Remarriage
Divorce and Remarriage, The Constant and Ongoing War
The Plain Truth About Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
Prejudice and Tradition
The Traditional Argument: Matt. 19:9 is "Plain and Emphatic"
The Exception Clause: A Scenario and Some Questions
The "Exception Clause": (Mt 5:32 and 19:9)
The Common Thinking and Teaching Regarding the "Divorced" Tradition Versus Truth
Handling Aright the Word of God
Marriage and Divorce: A Clear and Intelligible Exposition
"Let Not Man Put Asunder"
Definition of Adultery
Did the Apostle Paul Teach Celibacy? -- A study of a proof text
The Unbiased Reader
A Concerted Effort to Change the Meaning of "Put Away"
Jesus Did Not Contradict the Law -- Do those who teach and require celibacy have a way around this fact?
"Forbidding to Marry"
Put Away for Fornication"
Understanding the
"Exception Clause"
(Part One) -- The importance of hermeneutics in studying divorce and remarriage: ten rules to observe
Understanding the
"Exception Clause"
(Part Two)
Did Moses "Suffer" Divorce or Was it a Command? What Did Moses Suffer?
Is Divorce Sinful?
"It Just Does Not All Add Up"
Four Needed Cornerstones -- All Lacking
"But I Say Unto You" and "Maketh Her an Adulteress" -- Matt. 5-31,32
A Doctrine Based on Assumptions
Forty Five Questions
Why Some Seek to Teach That the Gospels are Old Testament
Will "Friends" (?) of Jesus Accomplish What the Jews Could Not? -- Facts and Observations
"Put Away" Versus "Divorce" -- What does the case of Joseph and Mary prove?
"Put Away" (apoluo) Does Not Equal "Divorce" (apostation)
What Does the Story of Joeseph and Mary Prove?
The Jewish Marriage Process -- by David Ferguson
Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage: A Biblical Perspective -- by David Ferguson
The Case for Acceptable Divorce: God's Infinite Mercy
Apoluo Does Not Mean Divorce -- by David Ferguson
Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah
Thou Hast Had Five Husbands
Is Celibacy Demanded of the Divorced?
Herod and Herodias
The Law Shall Go Forth of Zion
Matthew 19:9 Versus 1 Corinthians 7
It Is Not Good for Man to Be Alone
Are the Divorced Required to Live Celibate?
The Guilty Party
Grace Stinks!
For the Children
Bought at a Price
Romans 7: 1-4 Exegesis
Satan's Web
Foy Wallace
On: "The Pauline Privilege" or "Doctrine of Abandonment"
Divorced ("Unmarried") But Still "Bound"
MDR: What Makes the Most Sense
Divorce, As Used in the Bible
What is Lost in Divorce
The Theme of 1 Corinthians 7
Ezra vs. Malachi on MDR
Efforts to Show Jesus Contradicted the Law Refuted
The Jewish Agunah, the "Chained Wife"
"But I Say Unto You"
A Recent Case Illustrates the Meaning of the “Exception Clause”
Musing on "Put Away"
Waters' View Versus Hicks' View on MDR
The Polygamy Factor
Divorce, the Law, and Jesus
A Tip for Making Marriage Work
Sound and Powerful Arguments Against MDR Tradition
Exegesis of Matthew 5:31-32
The Exception Clause from a Catholic Viewpoint
Deuteronomy 24
Paul and Jesus on Divorce: Both Were Against It With No "Exception"
A Young Preacher's Dilemma--A Play
A Study of Words Pertinent to the Divorce and Remarriage Issue
"Let Not Man Put Asunder
Marriage and Divorce: A Clear and Intelligible Exposition
The Desecration of God's Marriage Law
"It Has Been Said" (Matthew 5:21) "But I Say Unto You"
Did Jesus Contradict Or Fulfill The Law?