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Total Health


So many of us are sleep deprived. Adequate rest is necessary for the body to reach its optimal health. “The body does its best healing while it is asleep. The body can then concentrate on healing without having to expend the energy on keeping you awake!”

To help us understand what rest is let us consider the word restoration. Definitions of restoration include:
1) "The act of returning to an original state or condition."
2) "A reinvigorating medicine; anything that reinvigorates."

Rest, in the form of sleep, is as necessary to total health as nutrition. We should make rest a priority. While at times we may be justified in depriving ourselves of rest failure to get enough sleep (in the long run) will prove to be detrimental to our health, our relationships and our occupation.

"The best way people can determine the amount of sleep they need is to sleep until waking without using an alarm. When you wake up and feel rested, that's the amount of sleep you need each night" (quote from article by Tammy Gay).

Click here for a list of videos from sleep expert Matt Walker

For more information on rest for the body click on the following:

    Suggestions for Good Health
    Traditional Medicine