Spiritual Health
Total Health
Physical Health
Spiritual Health
Physical Health
Marriage and Divorce
Quotations Regarding Health
Total Health

The foods we eat are what determine the ultimate strength and health of our body's cells, and those cells are what make up our body. Those cells make up all tissues, which compose the organs as well as making up the immune system, lymphatic system, blood, bones, nerves, and every other body component. If we neglect the nutrients that our body needs this neglect will eventually show up in some symptom of disease. If we put the wrong kind of substances into our bodies, it likely will eventually cause the cells to degenerate, which will lead to an overall degeneration of our total health - which ultimately means disease and/or death.

Without water, our bodies would not be able to function. Many suffer from aches, pains and diseases only because they do not drink enough pure water. You should try to drink at least 8 glasses a day.

Many who are sick often, or have one of the many diseases that are due to a nutrient deficiency, could likely be benefited greatly by taking quality supplemental nutrients. If you become a producer of livestock but do not provide them with the supplemental nutrients they need for a healthy immune system, they will invariably get sick. Successful livestock producers know this and provide the essential nutrients, either in their feed or by other means.

We need to avoid, to the extent possible, every toxic substance as well as products that have no real food value; like soft drinks, white table sugar, caffeine, nicotine and other drugs.   Also, realize that you can overdo on what would normally be good for you and instead it will put a great strain on the body, which is unhealthy.

Click here for more information on nutrition

    Suggestions for Good Health
    Traditional Medicine