In this 2008 political season, we are seeing politicians make more use of the term “change” than ever before. I heard Obama, in a speech, use the word dozens of times to the point that it went way beyond absurd.
There is going to be a change, as there always is, after the general presidential election. With a new President or change in the leadership in Congress, there will always be some changes. But some seem to be overly eager for change for the sake of change. What is wrong with the way things are? What needs to be changed? What has been proposed that will result in a change for the better?
What are people so unhappy about? We have nearly 95% employment, electricity and running water, affordable food in our grocery stores, freedom of religion and speech, right to bear arms, etc. Are these the things that we want changed? When a majority of citizens of a nation become ungrateful for what they have and elect a national leader based solely upon his ability to motivate people, primarily with promises of change, they may get what they asked for. But will they be better or worse off than before?
One would think that EVERYONE would be in favor of taxes being cut, but many are not. One party is known for raising taxes, which has been known to stagnate the economy, but it doesn’t seem to greatly affect how those of their party vote.
We all want peace in the world, and especially in our country. But it seems that the leaders of one party are not willing to fight or to pay the price, and have historically (as opportunity availed) downsized our military to dangerous levels.
Why do people who enjoy shooting and hunting continually vote for people who are known to advocate gun control with the ultimate goal of taking away ALL of our guns? Why do people who would risk their life to save a child vote for people who promote the right of a woman to take the life of their child before it is born, or partially born? Why do people who see the Bible as inspired of God, and who profess to follow it, vote for people who promote drastic changes that are contrary to what is taught therein?
Various answers could be given to the above questions, but it all boils down to “party loyalty.” We need to realize that a party or institution is what it stands for. When a party no longer stands for the things we deem to be important why not change our affiliation and give our support to a party that will seek to continue what is right and to change only those things that need to be changed.
If you ever get the feeling that the mainstream media is owned by people who promote a liberal agenda for changing America you might want to make a concerted effort to listen to talk radio. Here is a link to an article called Conservative Radio Talk Shows – Great Use of Freedom of Speech.