Continual Cleansing
New Book. 27 chapters and 155 pages. Not yet in print. Click to download.
God's Guiding Light
This book (thirty chapters and 123 pages) is intended to help people understand God's view of darkness and light and to see the need to look to the Creator of light for the blessings He offers. While Jesus is light and truth, men seeking to "walk in the light" are in a constant struggle with the forces of darkness. Jesus warned of false teachers (wolves) that "come in sheep's clothing." Peter warned that false teachers would arise among churches and deceive many. Therefore, it is prudent disciples "test the spirits, whether they are from God" (1 John 4:1) and do as the noble Bereans who "searched the scriptures daily" to see if even the most respected teachers were telling the truth (Acts 17:11).
This book is intended to help disciples discern the truth on foundational issues taught in the New Testament to assure that one's walk is in the light and not in darkness (1 John 1:6-7).
Put Away But Not Divorced

PURCHASE A HARD COPY. Click here to purchase my 278-page book Put Away But Not Divorced.
No other book answers people's questions on divorce and marriage like this book. Until Tate Publishers went out of business thousands of copies were sold. Since then, many have downloaded free copies - as many as 1500 in one week. But I feel that many want a hard copy, which is why we have made it available again through Amazon. This version has more chapters, graphics, and is in color. If you order, please leave a review. Many who have read this book say it is the only thing they have read on the subject that makes sense.
Forward by Olan Hicks
I first came face to face with the traditional theory on divorce and remarriage way back in 1960 when I was a young minister in the early part of my career. The doctrine brought trouble of an unusual kind into my ministry, forcing me to deal with it. It appeared that the theory had no Biblical foundation, but our brotherhood had accepted it everywhere I looked. It therefore became necessary to search out the facts.
But where could I begin my investigation? Almost no one had written on the subject, and most of the writings I did find supported the traditional view. I would have loved to have been able to get my hands on a book like this one by Robert Waters, which lays out just about every argument that has been put forth on the issue. But, as I said, we had no such material fifty years ago and I was alone to do my research.
I am glad that now the situation is better because many brethren are speaking out regarding divorce and subsequent marriage in books, articles, and sermons. That is where this book will be helpful. Robert and I have some differences on how to approach a point, but we do not differ on conclusions. We come out at the same place. We find that the traditional view is a human theory.
Near the end of the book Robert quotes Foy Wallace Jr., who rightly said that although Jesus condemned marriage breaking, He did NOT prescribe a "disciplinary procedure" and thus we cannot make one without human legislation. Robert and I both respect God's stated will that each person have a mate. Robert has experienced the frustration of trying to find the truth in the confused circumstances surrounding this subject. He has done a lot of research to get where he is, and he shares that in this book, cutting a wide swath so the reader will be able to look at good information and clear treatment of every point.
It is important that we survey the whole field and study this subject fully from the standpoint of what the Bible says about it. Many people are faced with decisions on this topic, and their conclusions have eternal consequences. They need some Bible answers. As Waters points out, God placed great importance on the role of marriage in preventing fornication. Forbidding marriage flies in the face of the need for everyone to have a mate. Those who insist on the breakup of marriages should especially stop and look this matter over again.
I welcome this book by Robert Waters. It is my prayer that God will bless the material that is put forth here to the intended purpose of God to give blessings to those who follow His will.
NEW for 2020: Study Guide for Put Away But Not Divorced
The following link will direct you to the Debate Page:

Bible Authority
51-page book on Bible authority. Sermons/class materials fully outlined. FREE download.
The Ultimate Survivalist
What does it take to be the ultimate survivalist? Could it be YOU?
Divorce and Remarriage Videos by Robert Waters
A Young Preacher’s Dilemma
Written in the form of a play, this is a fictional account of a young preacher, Phillip, who is faced with a dilemma when he discovers that his friends, George and Angela, are, according to the traditional teaching on marriage, divorce, and remarriage, in an unscriptural marriage. How will Phillip react? Will he convince George and Angela that they need to divorce to get in a right relationship with God? What will he do if they refuse?
This booklet (55 pages) is on this website and may be printed without cost.
Marriage and Divorce: A Clear and Intelligible Exposition
Hard copy $0.20 each. (Free download from the website)
Eternal Security of the Believer in Christ
A debate between Dr. Lloyd Olson and Robert Waters
The Security Of The Believer
(Exchange between Donnie Rader and Robert Waters In "Searching the Scriptures")
Continual Cleansing Versus Perfectionism (track)
“My thanks to you for sending me a copy of your excellent booklet, CONTINUAL CLEANSING. It is a very forthright, effective and convincing presentation. I believe you to be right in each argument therein. I have preached this comforting doctrine for nearly sixty years. I never heard it questioned until recently. All scholarly men among us of every persuasion have taught it either directly or indirectly. -- Guy N. Woods
$0.45 each
Basics in Sermon Design and Delivery [Outline][PDF]
This outline on Sermon Design and Delivery is intended to help develop preachers in not just preparing and delivering their sermons or lessons, but also to develop into what they need to be as a gospel preacher. It also can be helpful for congregations to know what to look for when selecting a preacher.
This book may be downloaded in its entirety, but it is not free. I am using the honor system instead of accepting credit cards. We do guarantee your satisfaction. If you are satisfied with the content send $5.00 to the following address:
Robert Waters
178 Madison 8657
Huntsville, AR 72740
“Getting started right can make or break a newcomer’s entry into any sport. Robert Waters’ book, DEER HUNTING – WHITE TAIL HUNTING BASICS and MORE is just that, the basics, plus some. It deals with the three major types of harvesting tools: modern rifles, muzzle loaders, and archery tackle, plus hunting methods, the nature of the while-tail, its habitat and habits, plus, as promised, more. More is in the nature of windchill factors, advice about “staying found,” deer populations, a checklist for important hunting gear, proper clothing for the whiltetail hunter, and -- you guessed it -- more, such as how to make a tree stand, dryfiring for practice, sighting in properly, as well as important information of safety, not only in the treestand, but a gun safety as well. Waters is a sportsman. His disdain for poacher and unfair play stand out, which is vital to teaching new-comers not only the hows and whys of whitetail hunting, but the admirable way to go about it. Yes, getting started right is important, and that’s what this book is about.” -- Sam Fadala
[Sam Fadala is author of numerous hunting books and has written for several top hunting magazines and held numerous staff positions]