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Quotations Regarding Health
Quotations Regarding Health from the Medical Profession
  • We have made of ourselves living cesspools and driven doctors to invent names for our diseases. -- Plato (427 BC - 347 BC), Founder of the Athens School of Philosophy and student of Socrates.

  • The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease and once from the medicine.  William Osler
  • Whenever a doctor cannot do good, he must be kept from doing harm. -- Dr. Hippocrates of Cos (460 BC - 380 BC)

  • The physician should not treat the disease but the patient who is suffering from it. -- Rabbi, Dr. Moshe ben Maimon (1135 - 1204), Physician to the Grand Vizier Alfadhil and Sultan Saladin of Egypt.

  • To live by medicine is to live horribly. -- Dr. Carl Linneaeus, MD, PhD (1707 - 1790)

  • He's the best physician, that knows the worthlessness of most medicines. -- Dr. Benjamin Franklin, PhD (1706 - 1790)

  • In almost all cases, the use of drugs in treating patients is harmful. Drugs often cause serious side effects, and sometimes even create new diseases. The dubious benefits they afford the patient are at best temporary. -- Dr. Henry G. Bieler, MD (1894 - 1975), author of Food Is Your Best Medicine.

  • Many orthomolecular substances are so free from toxicity that they show beneficial effects over a 10,000-fold range of concentrations. Yet, if you take even ten times the amount of aspirin that many patients take, for example, you'd be dead; hundreds of people do die every year from aspirin poisioning. And all of the other major drugs are highly toxic as well. -- Dr. Linus Pauling, PhD (1901 - 1994), two-time Nobel Laureate.

  • Toxic treatments do more harm than good in the long run. The best physician is your own body. We must strengthen, not weaken, its defenses. Dr. Hans A. Nieper, MD (1928 - 1998)

  • Modern drugs and vaccines have proven to be a hoax in attaining health. They have brought false hopes. The vaccinations are not working and they are dangerous. We should be working with nature. -- Dr. Lendon H. Smith, MD (1921 - 2001), Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Oregon Health Science University, Portland, Oregon.

  • Natural healing is not about avoiding doctors. It is about not needing to go to doctors. A dentist is not upset if you are cavity-free. A doctor should not be upset if you are healthy. -- Dr. Andrew Saul, PhD, Founder and Editor-In-Chief, Orthomolecular News Service, Assistant Editor - Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Editor and Publisher - Doctor Yourself Newsletter, Non-Traditional Doctor of Philosophy in Human Ethology, Master of Science in Education, Bachelor of Science in Biology, Numerous college teaching positions in biology and nutrition.

  • The drugs or surgery only approach that modern medicine uses to treat today's diseases is archaic. -- Dr. Julian Whitaker, MD (1944 - ), Founder - The Whitaker Wellness Institute Medical Clinic, Co-Founder - The California Orthomolecular Medical Society, Editor - Health and Healing Newsletter

  • Our nation may have the most highly trained surgeons, the finest hospitals, and the most sophisticated equipment, yet the average person doesn't have a clue about basic health and nutrition. Where is the passion to attack the root causes of the world's health problems? Other than in nutritional medical circles, where is the deep concern for drinking pure water, eating wholesome foods and breathing clean air? -- Dr. Don Colbert, MD, Founder - The Divine Health Wellness Center, author of over 40 books.

  • The pharmaceutical "business with disease" is the largest deception and fraud business in human history. The product "health" promised by drug companies is not delivered to millions of patients. Instead, the "products" most often delivered are the opposite: new diseases and frequently death. While the promotion and expansion of diseases increase the market of the pharmaceutical investment industry - prevention and root cause treatment of diseases decrease long-term profitability; therefore, they are avoided or even obstructed by this industry. The survival of the pharmaceutical industry is dependent on the elimination, by any means, of effective natural therapies. These natural and non-patentable therapies have become the treatment of choice for millions of people, despite the combined economic, political, and media opposition of the world's largest investment industry. -- Dr. Matthias Rath, MD (1955 - ), Founder - Dr. Rath Health Foundation, Head of Cardiovascular Research - The Linus Pauling Institute

  • Disease can be cured by the proper use of correct foods. -- Dr. Henry G. Bieler, MD (1894 - 1975), author of Food Is Your Best Medicine.

  • If we could give the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health. -- Dr. Hippocrates of Cos, Physician (460BC-380BC)

  • No disease that can be treated by diet, should be treated any other way. -- Rabbi, Dr. Moshe ben Maimon, Physician (1135 - 1204), Doctor to the Grand Vizier Alfadhil, and Sultan Saladin of Egypt.

  • Adequate food is the cradle of normal resistance, the playground of normal immunity, the workshop of good health and the laboratory of long life. -- Dr. Charles Horace Mayo, MD (1865 - 1939), Co-founder of the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota and the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, Graduate School, University of Minnesota.

  • The work of the doctor will, in the future, be ever more that of an educator, and ever less that of a man who treats ailments. -- Lord Thomas Jeeves Horder, MD (1871 - 1955), Physician to King Edward VIII, King George VI, the Prince of Wales, and Extra Physician to HM the Queen Elizabeth II of England.

  • Mr X has a lack of Vitamin C and contracts a cold. The cold leads to pneumonia. Mr X dies and his body is taken to the mortuary, not with the diagnosis "lack of Vitamin C", but with the diagnosis "pneumonia". This does not matter for him anymore, but matters for the rest of mankind, which is mislead in its thinking and judgement about vitamins. -- Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, PhD (1893 - 1986), Nobel Laureate for the discovery of Vitamin C.

  • The patient should get large doses of Vitamin C in all pathological conditions, while the physician ponders the diagnosis. -- Dr. Fred R. Klenner, MD (1907 - 1984)

  • For every drug that benefits a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect. -- Dr. Carl C. Pfeiffer, PhD. MD (1908 - 1988), Chair - Pharmacology Department, Emory University Princeton University Brain-Bio Center, one of the originators of Orthomolecular Psychiatry Founder, Pfeiffer Treatment Center

  • Ortho means right - the right molecules in the right amounts. Orthomolecular medicine is the use of the right molecules or "orthomolecular substances" that are normally present in the human body, in the amounts that lead to the best of health and the greatest decrease in disease. It is the most effective prevention in the treatment of disease. -- Dr. Linus Pauling, PhD, (1901 - 1994), two-time Nobel Laureate.

  • Proper eating of all types of foods does more to correct the problems than therapy with medication. -- Dr. Lendon Smith, MD 1921 - 2001, Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon.

  • In the 1950's the Schute brothers said Vitamin E worked against heart disease and cerebrovascular disease. They were greeted with laughter. A couple of years ago, The Harvard School of Public Health showed that just 100 IU of Vitamin E per day decreased the death rate by 40%. How many Americans would have been saved in the intervening 35 years had Harvard taken a responsible position and said, "We are skeptical of these claims but let's look at them"? But they wouldn't do that, it didn't fit their paradigm. So Vitamin E was totally destroyed by the establishment. Think of the cost of those decisions. -- Dr. Linus Pauling, PhD (1901 - 1994), two-time Nobel Laureate

  • Orthomolecular treatment does not lend itself to rapid drug-like control of symptoms, but, patients get well to a degree not seen by tranquilizer therapists who believe orthomolecular therapists are prone to exaggeration. Those who've see the results are astonished. -- Dr. Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD (1917 -  ) Founder and Editor - Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Director of Psychiatric Research - Saskatchewan Department of Public Health, Faculty - College of Medicine - University of Saskatchewan, Doctorate of Biochemistry, Masters Degree in Agricultural chemistry, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture with "Great Distinction".

  • Today were moving away from being completely focused on preventing disease and toward looking at what it takes to achieve and maintain wellness.. I think that patient care will improve enormously. -- Dr. Alfred P. Fishman, MD, Professor of Medicine Emeritus - University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

  • One of the great myths about natural medicines is that they are not scientific. The fact of the matter is that for most common illnesses, there is greater support in the medical literature for a natural approach than there is for drugs or surgery. -- Dr. Michael T. Murray, ND, Faculty and Board of Trustees Member - Bastyr University - Seattle, Washington, Director of Product Development - Natural Factors, author of 30 health - related books which have sold over 2 million copies.

  • If you want to produce coronary artery disease in monkeys, all you have to do is feed them an average hospital diet.

    It only takes two months of a healthy lifestyle to reverse heart disease. Cardiologists call me up and ask, "What did you do?"

    Why do I take supplements? It's a compromise. I eat out all too often and seldom manage to work in the eight to nine cups of green vegetables a day that would provide me with the nutrients I need. -- Dr. William Castelli, MD, Director (30 years) - Framingham Heart Study, Medical Director - Framingham Cardiovascular Center - Framingham, Massachusetts

  • I take a multivitamin because of evidence that a sizeable proportion of the U.S. population is not getting enough folate, Vitamin B-6 or Vitamin A in their diets. The dosage is safe, the cost is minimal, so why not cover the bases? The amounts that seem to be protective in those studies are not achievable by diet. You need supplements. -- Dr. Walter Willett, MD, PH, Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition - Harvard University School of Public Health - Boston, Massachusetts.

  • I only started taking these antioxidants in the last year after my professional research into artherosclerosis and diabetes made me begin to recognize that oxidation in the cells is a major problem. The doses were based on my own research and a review of the literature. The evidence was so persuasive that I changed my thinking about supplements. -- Dr. James W. Anderson, MD, Chief, Metabolic - Endocrine Section - Veterans Administration Medical Center, and Professor of Medicine and Clinical Nutrition - University of Kentucky at Lexington.

  • I've been taking calcium supplements for about 10 years, and since I have access to bone-density testing, I know my bone density is excellent. In fact, it's above average for a 20-year old woman.. and I'm postmenopausal. -- Dr. Sydney Bonnick, MD, Osteoporosis services - Cooper Clinic - Dallas, Texas.
  • Amazingly, Vitamin C has actually already been documented in the medical literature to have readily and consistently cured both acute polio and acute hepatitis, two viral diseases still considered by modern medicine to be incurable. -- Dr. Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD Associate Professor - Capital University of Integrative Medicine - Washington, DC, University of Denver College of Law, Tulane University School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University - Biology.

  • What is going on in the mind can be influenced by the nutrients and chemicals going into it. You can't get anywhere with a patient with psychiatric symptomatology if their brain is hungry, starved, or poisoned. -- Professor Ian Brighthope, M.D., M.B.B.S., D.Ag.Sci, FACNEM, FACHM

  • No prescription is more valuable than knowledge. -- Dr. C. Everett Koop, MD Surgeon General of the United States

  • No physician can ever say that any disease is incurable. To say so blasphemes God, blasphemes nature and depreciates the great architect of creation. The disease does not exist, regardless of how terrible it may be, for which God has not provided the corresponding cure. -- Dr. Auroleus Phillipus Theostratus Bombastus von Hohenheim - Physician (1493 - 1541)

  • A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his own thought to derive benefit from his illnesses. -- Hippocrates (460 BC - 377 BC), Regimen in Health

  • Health is not valued till sickness comes. -- Dr. Thomas Fuller (1654 - 1734), Gnomologia, 1732

  • Every patient carries her or his own doctor inside. -- Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965)

  • Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory. -- Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965)

  • Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. -- World Health Organization, 1948

  • Leave your drugs in the chemist's pot if you can heal the patient with food. -- Hippocrates

  • To do nothing is sometimes a good remedy. -- Hippocrates, 400 BC

  • "Half the costs of illness are wasted on conditions that could be prevented." -- Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, from the book Total Wellness

  • Most over-the-counter and almost all prescribed drug treatments merely mask symptoms or control health problems or in some way alter the way organs or systems such as the circulatory system work. Drugs almost never deal with the reasons why these problems exist, while they frequently create new health problems as side effects of their activities. -- John R. Lee, M.D.

  • Our physical bodies are made up of [foods]. Therefore, it's logical to expect that if something is wrong with our bodies, proper manipulation of the elements of which they are made will be a major factor in reestablishing health. -- Jonathan Wright, M.D.

  • I expect and hope that orthomolecular medicine, within the next 5-10 years, will cease to be a specialty in medicine and that all physicians will be using nutrition as an essential tool in treating disease. -- Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.

  • Nutrition needs to be looked at, not as a means of preventing specific deficiency diseases, but as a means of contributing to the overall health of the person and his or her resistance to chronic disease. We have to start looking for the optimum levels of nutrients necessary for optimum health instead of the minimum amount needed to prevent diseases. This is going to produce a big upsurge in human health in the next twenty years. -- Richard P. Huemer, M.D. (while a colleague of Dr. Linus Pauling)

  • There is nothing in conventional medicine today that treats chronic degenerative conditions as successfully as holistic therapies. -- Joanne Stefanatos, D.V.M.

  • "Sixty percent of all cancers in women and forty percent of all cancers in men may be due to dietary and nutritional factors." -- National Academy of Sciences, Diet, Nutrition and Cancer, 1982

  • Even if conventional medicine tells you that your condition is incurable or that your only option is to live a life dependent on drugs with troublesome side effects, there is hope for improving or reversing your condition. -- Leon Chaitow, N.D., D.O.

  • Alternative healing methods focus on one or more key elements: eliminate causes, remove obstacles to recovery, or encourage normal homeostasis. The treatments themselves do not "cure' the condition, they simply restore the body's self-healing ability. -- Leon Chaitow, N.D., D.O.

  • For many common infectious diseases aromatherapy offers more effective and more wholesome solutions than conventional medicine. -- Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt

  • You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency. -- Dr. Linus Pauling Winner of two Nobel Prizes

  • Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will orgainze into an undercover dictatorship...the Constitution of this Republic should make special provisions for medical freedom as well as religious freedoms. -- Benjamin Rush, MD., Signer of the Declaration of Independence

  • "20% of recently-approved prescription drugs have serious, even life-threatening, side effects." -- Journal of American Medical Association, May 2002

  • "90% of authors of clinical practice guidelines received research funding from, or acted as consultants to, a drug company." -- Journal of American Medical Association, February, 2002.

  • It's supposed to be a secret, but I'll tell you anyway. We doctors do nothing. We only help and encourage the doctor within. -- Albert Schweitzer, M.D.

  • If we doctors threw all our medicines into the sea, it would be that much better for our patients and that much worse for the fishes. -- Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendel Holmes, MD

  • Of several remedies, the physician should choose the least sensational. -- Hippocrates

  • Let food be thy medicine, and let thy medicine be food. -- Hippocrates

  • It may be possible to incorporate laugher into daily activities, just as is done with other heart-healthy activities, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator. The recommendation for a healthy heart may one day be exercise, eat right and laugh a few times a day. -- Michael Miller, MD, F.A.C.C., Center for Preventive Cardiology at the University of Maryland Medical Center

  • Love cures people — both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it. -- Dr. Karl Menninger

  • A wise man ought to realize that health is his most valuable possession. -- Hippocrates

  • The natural force within each one of us is the greatest healer of disease. -- Hippocrates

  • It is more important to know what kind of patient has the disease than what kind of disease the patient has. -- Sir William Osler

  • There are two great medicines: Diet and Self-Control. -- Max Bircher, 1962

  • The... patient should be made to understand that he or she must take charge of his own life. Don't take your body to the doctor as if he were a repair shop. -- Quentin Regestein

  • One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take the medicine. -- William Osler

  • The ultimate cause of human disease is the consequence of our transgression of the universal laws of life. -- Paracelsus

  • I think what people need to achieve in order to become healthy - to actually make some changes in their health state - is not only a shift in their beliefs, but a shift in their behavior. -- Janet Konefal, Ph.D.

  • The greatest discovery of any generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering the attitudes of their minds. -- Albert Schweitzer

  • The art of healing comes from nature and not from the physician. Therefore, the physician must start from nature with an open mind. -- Paracelsus

  • The largely objective character of beauty is further indicated by the fact that to a considerable extent beauty is the expression of health. A well and harmoniously developed body, tense muscles, an elastic and finely toned skin, bright eyes, grace and animation of carriage- all these things which are essential to beauty are the conditions of health. -- Havelock Ellis

  • When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied. -- Herophilus

  • The work of the doctor will, in the future, be ever more that of an educator, and ever less that of a man who treats ailments. -- Lord Horder
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