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Music in Worship - Can there be Unity?

While many base their conviction for the use of Instrumental Music in worship on either feeling, what they like, or some fallacious argument like it was used in the Old Testament, the root of the problem is misunderstanding and/or lack of respect for Bible authority. For instrumental music to be approved by God it must be taught in the Bible. God teaches through direct commands and by showing us the practice of the early church as approved by the apostles. No such teaching authorizing instrumental music is found in the New Testament, which is Christians law (1 Cor. 14.37). Unfortunately, many are not convinced by this because they do not understand nor respect Bible authority, or even know how authority works. Some seek to justify their practices by saying, "God did not say we couldn't." Well, those who understand how authority works know that He did not have to say not to do it. This is because when He authorized music He specified a certain kind of music. He authorized singing (Eph. 5:19; Col 3:16). When something in a class is specified all other things in that class are not authorized and should not be added, whether it is from God or a military commander. For example, God authorized Noah to build an ark. He specified the kind of wood to be used - "gopher wood." Noah understood that he was limited to what God specified - that he could not used other kinds of wood even if he thought some other kind would be helpful. Adding pine or some other kind of wood that might have been easier to work with was not an option. We must accept that God is all knowing and that He knows best. The almost universal practice of adding instruments to the command to sing is an indication that many have not learned some basic and important lessons.

Jesus prayed for unity (John 17) and Paul commanded it (1 Cor. 1). Unity pleasing to God can only be had by those who understand and respect authority and are so determined to please God they are willing to give up unauthorized tradition and stand for truth.

I wrote a little book that can help with this. Once we understand Bible authority and have respect for what GOD wants, rather than our own interests, or what we think is best, we can be united on this issue. It is FREE:

Bible Authority
A 51-page book on Bible authority. Sermons/class materials fully outlined.

Click here for further study and see the full outline on sermon "Are You Willing to let God Teach You?"

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