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Does Acts Chapter 10 Set Forth a Clear Example of Someone Becoming a Christian without and before Baptism?

First, numerous passages do indeed clearly teach that salvation comes after baptism - not before. Unfortunately, as Jesus and the apostles prophesied, today false teachers seek to teach otherwise (Matt. 7:15; 2 Pet. 2:1-3). A true believer in God and the inspiration of the Bible would never endeavor to twist a passage in such a way as to have it in conflict with clear Bible teaching found in numerous passages. And so, when men do this, we cannot expect them to listen to reason because they are not seeking the truth but are seeking only to do damage to the cause of our Lord.

Second, nowhere in the text does it say or imply that Cornelius had become a part of the body of Christ before baptism. Now, based upon what is said about him, I have no doubt but that he was, at least temporarily, already in God's graces. This was a transition period from the Old Testament to the New Testament. After Christ died on the cross, I do not believe that everyone who had been in God's graces automatically and immediately were lost. But after hearing the gospel Cornelius HAD to be baptized to obtain the spiritual blessings that are in Christ (Col. 1:13). He had not yet been "buried with Christ in baptism" and had not yet "risen to walk in the new life," and he had not yet become a "servant of righteousness." This is how one begins the new life in Christ according to the apostle Paul (Rom. 6:3, 4; 17, 18). This passage in Romans tells the precise point one's sins are taken away and the new life begins. Cornelius was not yet a Christian.

Paul also said that we are baptized into the body, which is the church (Gal. 3:27; Col 1:18). We read in Acts 2 that Peter responded to those who asked what to do by telling them to "repent and be baptized for the remission of sins." Then, in verse 47 of that same chapter, we are informed that the Lord added to the church daily those who complied to this command. Cornelius believed and became a Christian, part of the body of Christ and a child of God, but not before being baptized, as was the case with all the other examples of conversion we find in the New Testament.

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