Preachers have an important place to fill with respect to lost souls. God saw fit to use them in making His Gospel known. 1 Cor 1:21 reads " pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe." What we must remember is that it is by the foolishness of preaching and not the preaching of foolishness. We might conclude that some have turned their God-given service into mis-understanding. We should not minimize the work of the gospel preacher.
However we must not lose sight of the fact that preachers are required to preach the Gospel. Since the Gospel is God's power to save men (Rom 1:16), the Gospel must be preached by the preachers. If they preach something else, they are going contrary to the will of God, and what they preach will not result in the salvation of the hearers.
Preachers are looked upon as leaders of men; and that they should be. As preachers are spiritual leaders of men, they are expected to know more about the Bible than any others class of men. This is but the natural thing to expect, for preachers should study the Bible that they may be qualified to preach the Gospel to others. When you have some question that troubles your soul, something about the Bible that you wish to know, you often turn to the preacher for help. And if it is something that is found in the Bible, he should be willing to give his assistance; or if it is not found in the Bible, he should be able to tell you so.
I do not know a better way to get before you the fact that certain religious practices and doctrines are not taught in the Bible. With the Bible as our rule of faith and practice, containing the revelation of God's will to us, we should be very anxious to do just the things it authorizes. Even a preacher should not want to practice in religion those things that it does not teach. And, if he is following the New Testament as his authority, he should be more than willing to tell his brethren just where they can read the various things he does.
The truth that concerns men today is revealed in the new Testament, and if a preacher is preaching something it does not authorize, he is not preaching "The Gospel". It behooves you to check up on the things you are taught that you may know whether you have believed and accepted the truth.
You have the right to question certain things and practices. So you should ask your preacher these things. Ask him to show you the scripture that authorizes his teaching and practices as well as your own. If he is certain that he is preaching the truth, he should welcome an opportunity like that; and if he should not be willing for you thus to inquire of him, there is something wrong and you should be determined to find out what it is. So many things in religion are not taught in the Bible, but this fact might not be discovered by many without someone to call their attention to it. I am using this method in an effort to call your attention to things the Bible does not teach. To get the most good out of this lesson, you should go to your preacher and ask him for the text of Scripture that mentions the doctrines and religious practices that I will call to your attention. We cannot afford to follow some religious practice or teaching that is out of harmony with the Bible. Preachers cannot serve God faithfully by preaching just anything. If they preach the commandments of men for their doctrine, their service is vain. Jesus said so in Matt 5:19, so it must be true.
But there is a responsibility also on the hearer. There are warnings in the scriptures to take heed and be warned. Paul said: "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." Col 2:8. To preach human philosophy and the traditions of men is not preaching the Gospel. Such preaching will deceive the hearer and lead him or her away from Christ. On this account the hearer should be very careful about what they accept in religion. In view of eternity you owe it to your own soul to make this investigation that you may be sure you are not believing and practicing something unauthorized in the Bible.
If you have a concern for your own soul, as well as the souls of your family and friends, you will investigate yourself. Paul said: "Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you--unless indeed you fail the test?" 2 Cor 13:5. Remember also that 2 Tim 2:15 says to study to show yourself approved before God. It is your responsibility to God to learn His word and handle it properly. You cannot rely upon anyone else to do your studying for you.
One more thing before we start certain questions. If you honestly ask these questions and the preacher or other spiritual leaders tell you to not worry or to leave these alone, you need to know these things. Press them for the Bible answer. If they are trying to dodge you and tell you to ignore them, they have something to hide. No one has a need to hide the truth, but if they teach or practice error, they certainly do not want you investigating it. Your soul is too valuable to leave in the care of those who practice and teach error.
Ask your preacher----
1. Where you can find the name of your church in the Bible.
I may not know the name of your church to which you belong. Doubtless there will be many churches represented by those who read this. But you know what church you are a member of, if any, and you know the name of the church. While the preacher is looking for the name of your church, you might investigate the Word of God also. I know you can find some scriptural names in the Bible. 1 Cor 1:2 it is called "the church of God". 1 Tim 3:15 it is called "the church of the living God,". In Rom 16:16 we read "The churches of Christ salute you."
If you study your bible you will see that these are not different churches but different designations for the same body of people. This is an important matter, for the Bible is our guide book from earth to glory, and we should not want to belong to something the Bible says nothing about.
Ask your preacher----
2. Where the Bible says the church is not necessary to salvation.
Of course we know that the church is not the Savior. Jesus is our Savior. But the statement as used simply means the church is not necessary to your salvation; that you can be saved on the outside of it as well as on the inside. We read where "Christ is the savior of the body" in Eph 5:23. The term body refers to the church. The context of scripture in Ephesians bears this out. So Christ is the savior of the church. This statement could not be true if people were saved outside of the body. And while the church is not the savior, it is the institution in which the Savior saves men. In Acts 2:47 we read: "...And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved." God adds people to His church when they are saved and not before they are saved.
Ask your preacher----
3. Where the Bible says one church is as good as another.
We all have heard this statement from many pulpits and even the hearers of these pulpits. But can your preacher give you the scripture that says this? In Eph 4:4 we find; "There is one body...". Yet we have literally hundreds of conflicting bodies all claiming to be this one body. What does Paul mean by "one body"? In Eph 1:22-23 he said: "And hath put all things under His feet, and gave him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body...". So the body is the church. Furthermore Jesus promised to build his church. In Matt 16:18 the statement by Jesus is that he would build "my church". He did not say "my churches". If Jesus built one church, then somebody else built (established) the others. Are we willing to say that any church a man builds is as good as the church Jesus built? Read Col 1:18. If Jesus is only the head of His church, then who is the head of the other bodies? Do you believe that a church with a human head or leadership is as good as one with Christ as the head? Also, ask your preacher how many churches are mentioned in the New Testament. Do not settle for place names like Ephesus, Corinth, Phillipi, or Rome, They are just location designations.
Ask your preacher----
4. Where the Bible says "join the church of your choice".
Does the Lord allow men to have their choice in matters of this kind? If man is allowed to choose the church that suits him best, then the Lord has no choice in the matter. But since Jesus built but one church, do you think he will allow you to choose one that some uninspired man built in preference to the one He built? The Lord gives you the choice of accepting Him or rejecting Him, but not the choice of churches. Where is the passage that says "join the church of your choice"?
Ask your preacher----
5. Where the Bible says that all denominations are branches of the same vine.
A common problem with teaching the doctrines and commandments of men is the fact that they mis-use and mis-quote scriptures. Sometimes they take a verse or statement out of its proper context and place it somewhere else. This passage is mis-used all the time by almost everyone. Read the passage yourself in John 15:1-15. If you will read back from Chapter 12, you will notice that the people Jesus is talking to are the disciples (the twelve). No doubt, there have been many discussions of denominationalism. we know that the religious world is woefully divided, with conflicting sects of every kind. Not only do denominations differ in name, they differ in teaching and practice. Their doctrines are in direct conflict with one another. In no sense is there unity, harmony, or concord, but there is discord, disagreement, and division. Can God be pleased with a condition like this? But we are told all the time that it is perfectly all right and they use the passage in John 15 to say we are all a part of the same vine. Notice the rest of the context of John 15. That to be a part of the vine, the branches must abide in it. 2 John 9 says: "Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God..."
Ask your preacher----
6. Where the Bible says that inspired men ever invited sinners to the altar to pray for salvation.
This practice is very general in the religious world today. Perhaps it is practiced where you worship. Perhaps you might be in this condition. Ask this question where in the scriptures a prayer results in salvation. Many are familiar with the "sinners prayer". Though worded in different ways, it implies that by prayer a person can receive salvation separate and apart from any other obligations to God. Let us study this now.
I can read in Acts 10 about a sinner engaged in prayer when a heaven-sent man came to him to tell him what to do. Acts 22 gives a recount of a situation where a sinner was approached by Christ. Both of these people were told that someone would come to tell them what to do for salvation. When convicted of their sin of putting the Son of God to death, the Jews asked Peter, "what shall we do?" Acts 2:37. In every instance of conversion we find that the ones being saved had to do more than pray. Furthermore, Jesus said: "Not every one that saith unto me Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven." Matt 7:21. And what about all of the passages that states that "He heareth not sinners"? John 9:31, Isa 1:15, Micah 3:4, Deut 31:18, 1 Pet 3:12, Psa 34:15-18.
Ask your Preacher----
7. Where the Bible says anything about "getting religion". We have heard this expression many times.
It is interesting to note that the word "religion" is found only five times in the Bible. No occurrence is found in the Old Testament. Of the New Testament passages, it is evident that religion is something that men DO, not something they GET. See Acts 26:4-5; Gal 1:14, James 1:26-27.
Ask your preacher----
8. Where preachers in the Bible were ever called by the titles of Reverend, Doctor, Rabbi, and Father.
This practice is quite general in religious circles today. We are always hearing people called by these terms. Some of them even demand that they be addressed with such titles. Some might say that this is a sign of respect, but this is in opposition to scripture. I do recall that the word "reverend" is found in the Bible. In Psalms 111:9 we read "He sent redemption unto his people; he hath commanded His covenant forever; holy and reverend is His name." No man would be so bold as to wear a title such as "Lord" "Almighty" "King" "God" , but they have no problem using another name of God as their own title. Are these people equal to God? They would have you believe so. Concerning other titles worn by preachers note the statement in Matt 23:8-9. Could our instructions be any plainer? There is only one title that I can read about in the New Testament. That title is "Lord", Other so-called titles are more descriptive of the work the people do as opposed to being a title. When you meet someone who wears a title, ask them where in the Bible they can give you the authority for such. If they cannot find such, ask them why they continue to wear such titles.
Ask your preacher----
9. For the passage in the New Testament that tells that instrumental music was used in the New Testament church.
For generations people have enjoyed the melodies coming from church chapels and rectories. They have sung alongside the piano or organ from their youth. For over a thousand years, no one even considered having a mechanical instrument in the church to produce music. Even now, church music goes from beautiful to repulsive with the church rock. Where is the authority for any kind of music in the New Testament? Read Eph 5:19, and Col 3:16. There are ten scriptures in the New Testament that reference this act of worship to God. All ten of them are singing. The playing of an instrument is an addition. Rev 22:18 warns of adding to His word.
Ask your preacher----
10. Where Sunday was ever called "the Christian Sabbath" in the Bible.
We sometimes hear this kind of talk. Some preachers refer to worship as the New Testament Sabbath assembly, even if it is on Sunday. One reason is because they are wanting to keep the Ten Commandments. Nine of them are addressed in the New Testament, but the fourth commandment is not. So they come up with the phrase that Sunday is the "Christian Sabbath" where Saturday is the "Jewish Sabbath". The Sabbath day was given to the Jews as a sign between them and God to be kept throughout their generations. Exodus 31:16-17. But Paul said; "blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to His cross. Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days" Col 2:14-16 Christians are no longer required to keep the sabbath day nor any of the practices of the Jews. Some preachers will say that the sabbath was changed when Christ died on the cross. But Paul in Col 2:14-16 said that it was removed. If it was all right to call it such, we should have example in the text of the Word of God.
Ask your preacher----
11. Where the Bible says sinners are saved by faith only.
This is one of the most predominate teachings in the world today. Nearly all religious bodies hold to some form of this doctrine. There are many passages that describe our salvation as a result of our faith, but where in scripture can you find salvation by faith only? Also consider if you will the implications of salvation by "Faith Only". Only is a word that excludes all else. A person who says we are saved by faith only, does not give God the credit for our salvation. He takes away the death of Jesus as our attonement, There are many things in scripture that teach where our salvation lies. We cannot have it without all of them. By excluding other things, you are removing the word of God. Rev 22:19. Read James 2:24 "Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only." Which do you think is right. Modern day preachers or the Bible? Somehow it seems to me that the Bible must be right. This doctrine cannot be supported by scripture. God is not the author of confusion 1 Cor 14:33, so this doctrine conflicts with God's word. How? Notice that "faith only" means the exclusion of God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Bible, Grace, Gospel, Confession, Repentance, Baptism, Church, Hope, Walk, Love, Obedience, and other facts concerning salvation.
Ask your preacher----
12. Where the Bible says it makes no difference what a person believes just so he is honest about it.
As long as we are sincere, God will overlook our faults. We have heard that statement for generations. But can it be supported by scripture? Would you agree that some people can be sincerely wrong? Does that make them right? Paul said in 2 Thess 2:11-12 "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie; that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." This positively states that some would "believe a lie". Certainly there is a vast difference between believing a lie and believing the truth. The truth is recorded in the Word of God. If it is not taught in the Word of God, then it is not the truth, but a lie. Anyone who holds to a belief that is not found in the scriptures, is in the category of sin because you "believe not the truth".
Ask your preacher----
13. Where the Bible says "once in grace, always in grace".
You have heard this statement many times. Over and over men proclaim that if a man is once in grace, he is always in grace. Or like unto it, "once saved, always saved". This is a very comfortable religious doctrine. It teaches that there is nothing a person could do to have God leave him out of heaven. There is no possibility that this person could commit a sin that would send him to hell in the last time. If the Bible is the infallible word of God with no error contained, why do you suppose that there are warnings if this teaching is correct. Gal 5:4 says; "Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace." Of course, if a man can fall from grace, the theory cannot be true. In 1 Cor 10:12 we have the warning; "Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall." If this doctrine be true, why did Paul tell the Corinthians to take heed? To take heed means to be careful. The scriptures do not agree with this doctrine. So what are we to do, do you think we should ignore the scriptures? We should remove the false doctrine that the scriptures do not support. Read Heb 3:12. There are dozens of passages that give us warning to be careful to serve God correctly.
Ask your preacher----
14. Where the Bible says babies were ever baptized.
This has become a traditional practice for years by many people. Some do not practice this, so they are not our concern with this point. If we can find in scripture a practice of baptizing babies, then it would be all right. but if we cannot find scripture, we must realize that our traditions are going against God and His word.
Some will reason that because households were baptized in the scriptures, that this included babies. That is a very weak answer, because you yourself know of many households that do not have infant children. We can read that both men and women were baptized, but nowhere do we find infants baptized in scripture. Jesus gave the great commission to the apostles in Matt 28:19. "Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them....". This shows that people must be taught the gospel before they can be baptized. Other requirements as stated by Jesus and the apostles are the facts that one must believe, repent, and confess, prior to baptism. Read Mk 16:15-16 and Acts 8:36-37 and Acts 2:38.
Ask your preacher----
15. Where the Bible says babies are born in sin.
Most religions teach the concept of "original sin". Many people believe it. But are the scriptures in support of such a doctrine? I recall that Jesus says in Matt 18:3 "Verily I say unto you, Except you be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." If men must become as children, it does not sound like they are to become sinners. Read Mark 10:14. If the kingdom is made up of such as these children, it becomes evident that little children are not born in sin. If they were, we would have a passage of scripture that says so. What makes a sinner. Isa 59:2 "your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God." Iniquities are the same as sin. "Sin is transgression of the law". 1 John 3:4. What laws of God are babies guilty of breaking? Read Ezek 18:20.
Ask your preacher----
16. Where the Bible says that anyone was ever baptized by sprinkling or pouring.
Many preachers and religions have been practicing this a long time. Sometimes it is a lot of water dumped on a person or just a drop or two for one to call it baptism. The scriptures describe baptism as an immersion. Also it is called a burial which would be inclusive in immersion. Read Rom 6:4, Col 2:12, and Eph 4:5. If Paul said that there was one baptism, which of these do you think he was referring to? Look who wrote the other passages and answer that question.
The immersion in baptism is symbolic of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. This is the main doctrine of the Gospel, Read 1 Cor 15:1-4.
Ask your preacher----
17. Where the Bible calls baptism non-essential.
You have heard many attempts to say that baptism is non-essential for salvation. If you are looking for a passage that says so, you are out of luck, but there are many passages that show it is necessary. Mk 16:16 and Acts 2:38, Peter said that it was for the remission of sins. Paul was told the same thing in Acts 22:16 "...why tarriest thou, arise and be baptized, and wash away thy sins." Baptism is the method to have our sins removed. This method was provided by the Grace of God for us to have the hope of eternal life. Baptism is the avenue that puts a believer into Christ. Since all spiritual blessings are in Christ (Eph 1:3) we must be in Christ to benefit from these spiritual blessings. There are two passages that tell us how we are to get into Christ. Gal 3:27 and Rom 6:3, There is a passage that tells us how we are to enter the church. 1 Cor 12:13. Some will ignore what the scriptures say and tell you that baptism is not essential to salvation. They will say that you can be saved without it. Who are you going to believe. Jesus or them? Also, can you find a scripture that says a way to get into Christ any other way than baptism?
Ask your preacher----
18. Where the Bible says water baptism was for the Jews only.
Some preachers actually preach this. Many preachers and doctrines have been trying to get baptism out of the plan of salvation. So one excuse is that baptism was only for the Jews, and therefore no longer applicable to us. Remember that Matt 28:19, Jesus says go teach "all" nations. Read Acts 2:38-39. We see that though Peter was addressing Jews, he spoke of those who were afar off. Peter went so far as to take the Gospel to the Gentiles and gave his approval of such. Did Peter make a mistake in the Bible? Was the Lord guiding him in this effort? Yes. So somebody is wrong in this matter. Either man or God. God says that salvation was for all mankind to have, not the Jews only.
Ask your preacher----
19. Where the Bible says that foot washing should be done as a public religious service in the church.
Not everyone practices this doctrine, of course, but others have. Is this a public service of the church? Have you come together in the church and practiced foot washing? These people cannot really go to John 13 to show that foot washing is authorized because Jesus did so. Jesus was teaching His disciples a lesson, and the emphasis was on humility, not the feet. In those days, it was a matter of hospitality. See 1 Tim 5:10. Where in scripture can you find it in conjunction with worship to God. You can't.
Ask your preacher----
20. Where the Bible says there is no hell.
It is so amazing that people will reject the idea of there even being a place of torment and eternal punishment. Even among preachers less than half of them believe in such a place. A survey by a major business magazine several years ago brought this fact out. The language of our Lord Jesus Christ is quite plain as He invites people into heaven but sends the wicked into everlasting punishment. If Jesus recognized such a place, so should we. Also, if there is no hell, what have we to fear? One of our biggest problems in society is lack of accountability. If there is no punishment for the wicked, then there is no sin evil enough to send one there. It is no wonder our children are killing themselves and others. It is no surprise to see people practicing all sorts of wicked things. Everyone looks out for themselves only, and do not respect others rights.
Ask your preacher----
21. Where the Bible says a second chance of salvation will be given to men who fail to obey the gospel in this life.
This is one of the teachings of the pre-millennial doctrines. It is claimed that when the Lord returns a second time, he will set up his kingdom on earth, and all those who did not obey him during this age of the world will be given an opportunity in the next age, under much better environments than existed in this age. Then all who wish can obey the gospel and still be saved in eternity. Where is this found in the Bible. Most religions teach this doctrine, but how can I know it is correct without Bible support? Several of the parables describe the last events in story form. The teaching of Jesus was for us to be prepared in this life, because if you miss out in this life, then you miss out for all eternity. This is a very dangerous doctrine, because it teaches that you can live your life in all manner of wickedness and you will still have a second chance. If you can find any passage of scripture that teaches a second chance, please show it to me. I have looked for it and cannot find it. If you cannot find it, you must realize that this is a false doctrine, and people are in danger of losing their souls if they do not prepare in this life.
Ask your preacher----
22. Where the Bible says man is wholly mortal.
Some people teach that man does not have a soul. But Jesus said in Matt 10:28; "Fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." Jesus plainly says that man is not able to kill the soul. By implication, this doctrine teaches that there is no eternal destiny set up for us. So these teachers are teaching that Jesus was lying when He said "I go to prepare a place for you, in my Fathers house are many mansions." Will you not choose the promises of Jesus and the warnings that He gives, over the non-scriptural doctrine that you have no soul to be judged.
Ask your preacher----
23. Where the Bible says women were allowed to take a leadership role in any function of the church.
More and more, we read each day about religious bodies voting to allow women to be preachers, deacons, elders, bishops, and so forth. Some question the practice and many just embrace this practice. Women are to be quiet in the church and not take a leadership role. Paul taught in 1 Tim 2:12; "But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet." 1 Cor 14:34 reads: "Let the women keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but let them subject themselves, just as the Law also says". These passages teach that women do not take leadership in the public assembly, so this eliminates them from being preachers, teachers, song leaders, or ushers. The requirements for elders and deacons are listed in 1 Tim 3 where we find that the elder should be the "husband of one wife". How can a woman be the husband of one wife? Women can do a lot for the Lord, but their service is limited to their respective roles. They can teach privately, but not publicly, They can serve others, but not in an authoritative role.
Ask your preacher----
24. Where the Bible says that the church is a social organization.
Many expect the church to provide for the entertainment and recreation of society. They also expect the church to take care of the needy, and the poor. Though we cannot deny that these works are just and in the interest of promoting Christian behavior, we do need to keep them in the proper perspective. Every Christian has a responsibility to take care of those around them. This is emphasized by Jesus in the picture of Judgment day recorded in Matt 25:31-46. The work of the church is to provide for the spiritual well-being of its members and the spiritual well-being of lost souls. Nowhere in scripture can you find a body of Christians doing more than this. There are plenty of examples of individuals doing these things, but never a church. There is just no authority for the church to engage in such practices. The work of the church can be narrowed down to two primary functions. 1.) The preaching of the Gospel, which is able to save souls. And 2.) The edification of the saints Eph 4:12-16. Saints being the members of the individual congregations in a local church.
Ask your preacher----
25. Where the Bible says anything about a rapture.
Practically everyone is looking for the rapture to come. Where in scripture can we find any teaching of such. I can read in Heb 9:27: "And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment," after death will come judgment, not a second chance. I can read in 2 Cor 5:10; "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad." Our judgment is based upon our deeds in the flesh, in our bodies, in this life. Even if there were such a thing as a rapture, it would do you no good. Certainly Jesus would have known if there was such a thing as a rapture, and surely He would have told us something about it.
Ask your preacher----
26. Where the Bible says they observed the Lord's Supper on any day besides the first day of the week.
More and more the practice of many religious groups is to observe the Lord's supper at different times and days. Some even go so far as to only observe the Lord's supper once over long intervals of time. Once a month, or quarter, or year. I'm sure that if you want to be right in this practice, you could give book, chapter, and verse to support your practice. Let me give you what I can read in scripture. Acts 20:7 reads: "And on the first day of the week, when we were gathered together to break bread,...." Paul himself said that the purpose of gathering together on the first day of the week is to break bread. This scripture gives us not only the day, but the frequency of this event. Every first day of the week is implied. You have to stretch the truth very hard to get a once a month out of this verse. Paul also mentions the Lord's Supper in 1 Cor 11:17-34, and how that some had abused it, but that it had a proper place and meaning in our worship assemblies. How can we leave out this command of Jesus, in which we proclaim the Lord's death until He comes. If your preacher cannot give you a book, chapter, verse reference for what he teaches, then you must question if he is leading you in the way of God or the way of men. Your soul is too important for you to trust anyone but the Lord Jesus Christ.