I Will Give You Rest

Matthew 11:25-30

from Bibleanswer.com


I.   Rest:  We rarely get enough of it!  We long for it, work to achieve it, very often an elusive 
        goal.  [Mk. 6:31 – The Lord knew the value of rest.]

II.  Matt. 11:28-30 - Rest:  “1) to cause or permit one to cease from any movement or labour in 
        order to recover and collect his strength…2) to keep quiet, of calm and patient expectation” 
        (Online Bible).

III. Jesus offers rest that surpasses any sort of rest man can devise or provide.


I. JESUS GIVES US REST FROM SIN. A. Rest for the Soul – Matt. 11:29; Psa. 38:3-5. 1. From God’s just wrath against our sin – Psa. 38:3; Rom. 1:18; 2:5. 2. From the weight of sin (its pain and penalties) – Psa. 38:4-5 (32:3-4). a. Way of transgressor is hard (permanent, perpetual) - Prov. 13:15. b. He sought rest from labors, but not rest from sin! (cf. Lk. 12:15-21) 3. Rest from sin is available to you and possible for you: a. Come to Christ – Matt. 11:28 (Open to Him, Rev. 3:20). b. Become a Christian! – Mk. 16:16; Rom. 6:2-6 c. Be a faithful, living sacrifice to Christ – Rom. 12:1-2. 4. Rest is found in the “old paths where is the good way” – Jer. 6:16. II. JESUS GIVES US REST FROM THE WORLD – Jno. 16:33. A. From Enemies of the Faith. -Cf. Israel – Josh. 1:13; 21:44; Isa. 30:15-16. B. From Evil Men and Their Evil Influences – cf. 1 Cor. 15:33. (Companionship of saints! – Rom. 12:10-13); 1 Pet. 4:4. III. JESUS GIVES US REST FROM ANXIETIES OF LIFE – Matt. 6:24-34. A. In This Life We Are Easily Distracted and Make Mountains Out of Molehills – Lk. 10:38-42. 1. Acts 16:26-27 – The real problem was not that prisons had escaped, but that the jailor’s soul was imprisoned by sin!! – cf. 16:34 2. 1 Pet. 5:6-7 (Psa. 55:22) – Cast your anxieties on the Lord – He will sustain you! a. You will grow in humility and faith as you trust in the Lord (1 Pet. 5:6). b. You will grow in spiritual focus (Jas. 5:13). 3. Example: 2 Cor. 3:12-13 (Concern for Corinthian church’s welfare) – 7:6-7 (Comfort from the Lord!). B. We Find Rest by Remembering the Great Things God has Done – 1 Sam. 12:24-25; cf. Psa. 116:7 (13:6). IV. JESUS GIVES US REST FROM AN AIMLESS LIFE – (cf. Matt. 12:43). A. Christians Have the Presence of the Lord – 2 Cor. 6:16. 1. Exo. 33:12-16 (18-23) – Presence of God with Moses and Israel…Rest). 2. Fellowship with Christ gives direction, focus and meaning to our lives! – Phil. 3:8-12; Heb. 13:5-6 (Rom. 8:37-39) V. THERE IS A REST THAT REMAINS – Heb. 4:1-3, 9-11. A. Eternal Rest of Heaven for the Faithful – Rev. 14:12-13. 1. Rest: “metaph. the heavenly blessedness in which God dwells, and of which he has promised to make persevering believers in Christ partakers after the toils and trials of life on earth are ended” (Online Bible). 2. Rest in hope of resurrection – cf. Acts 2:26. 3. Rest when Christ returns (relief, rest, from persecutions) – 2 Ths. 1:7. 4. Labor for Christ now (“take my yoke upon you”) – Rest eternally!


I. Faithful obtain rest now and eternal rest afterward. II. Disobedient, faithless ones will not enter God’s eternal rest - Heb. 3:11, 18-19 (Rev. 14:11). III. Come to Jesus now and find rest in life and eternity! (Matt. 11:28-30)

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