A Balanced Ration For Spiritual Health

by Robert Waters


I. Many churches today are suffering from spiritual malnutrition.

    A. The spiritual realm can be compared to the physical.
       1. There are a number of nutrients that are essential, which
          is to say illness and even death is certain if they are 
          not obtained. 
       2. Some of the nutrients are required in greater amounts 
          (especially at times) than others.

    B. In feeding livestock, the rancher knows his animals.
       1. He knows what they like, what they dislike, what is good 
          for them and what will actually harm them.
       2. To simplify it we could say the rancher knows the ration 
          diet) that will make his animals healthy or sound.
       3. It is his job to see that the ration is proper, complete,
          not tampered with or changed, and that it gets consumed by 
          the animals. 
       4. He must be able to recognize by the symptoms of any 
          illness if that illness is due to any deficiency in the 
          ration and if it is make the proper correction. 

II. This lesson is to 1) the evangelist (preacher); 2) Elders; and 3)
    every Christian.  

    The purpose is to persuade or encourage each of us to work 
    harder at carrying out our individual responsibilities in 
    the church concerning the feeding of the soul. 


I. Those who are primarily responsible for feeding the flock of Christ are elders.
Acts 20:28 - Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.
A. The elders at Ephesus were commanded to shepherd or feed the flock. B. Elders are to see that nothing profitable is held back from the flock. C. Their responsibility is to see that the whole flock receives a balanced diet. II. Preachers have a tremendous responsibility in preaching especially where there are no elders. A. Note Paul’s teaching: 1.
“And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publicly, and from house to house” (Acts 20:20)
a. He further stated,
“Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.” (Acts 20:26,27 ASV)
b. The "whole council of God" (KJV) is the ration or diet for those desiring to grow unto perfection. 2.
Ro 10:13–15 - For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
a. Indeed, those who preach the gospel of peace and who bring glad tidings of good things are doing a wonderful work, but: 1) But what if a preachers does not tell the truth and his preaching promotes division and strive? 2) What if he spends all his time and effort preaching on things that do not edify the church? a) He would not be providing the spiritual nutrition that is needed. b) Thus, he would are not doing his job. b. There is much responsibility on the shoulders of those who preach the gospel. 1) A man should not attempt to teach on important Bible subjects until he is certain he understands it. 2) One can later, after more study, realize that what he has been teaching on some matter is error and repent of it and get forgiveness, but he may never be able to undo the harm that was done. a) It is much harder to UNteach someone then it is to teach them... b) A man that does not have a love for truth and the ability to ascertain it should stay out of the pulpit. c. If some preachers treated their own bodies (nutritionally) like they do the flock where they preach they would not live long. 1) Some would die quickly from poison while others would just gradually starve to death. 2) The Lord needs preachers who will preach “The Whole Council of God” and hold back nothing that is profitable. B. A church is not properly edified if it is not receiving a balanced diet. 1. A balanced diet would include the teachings from the word of God that are needed at a particular place at a particular time. a. Distributed over a period of time it would in essence be “the whole council of God”. b. Anything short of…is a deficiency, which will result in illness. 2. If there are important subjects like: worldliness, plan of salvation Christian responsibilities, the church’s organization, work, and worship that are being neglected there are going to be problems down the road. 3. Every preacher’s goal should be to preach the truth on every subject that is in the word of God and dwell on the things that are most needed. 4. Every elder’s goal should be to see that every member of the flock receives the spiritual nutrition that he needs. 5. Every Christian’s goal should be to search out and receive “the whole council of God” that he may grow to be healthy and valuable to the chief shepherd in helping…to spread the gospel. [Any preacher, elder, or Christian that has a lesser goal is either ill or dead already.] C. There are some preachers that need to be spending more time doing the work that they are paid to do. 1. Preaching the “whole council of God” necessitates a great deal of study. 2. Unfortunately there are too many preachers who do it as a profession – to make a living. a. They saw they could make a living at it, went to college, got a degree and then declared themselves to be a preacher. b. Some of the greatest gospel preachers of the past never went to college. 1) They simply, after becoming a Christian, had a great love for truth, realized their responsibilities and began to study diligently and then to use the talents God gave them. 2)Let us all strive to use any and every talents… III. There was a time when it was profitable for many of the lessons taught from the pulpit to be directed at the align sinner because there were always a sizeable number present. A. But those days, for the most part, are over. 1. Today, our assemblies are almost entirely composed of Christians who need edification from sermons that are prepared for and directed to them. 2. There are flocks that are starving and they do not even know it. a. They have become like those Paul spoke of as “having itching ears” (2Tim. 4:2-4). b. What tickles their ears (or what they like to hear)is for the preacher to blast away at the lost and to tell the lost what they need to do to get right with God. 1) They do not want to receive exhortation or be reproved or rebuked, as Timothy was commanded to do – that’s for those not members of the Church of Christ, they think. 2) I’m afraid that when brethren get they way they are not even luke-warm-they are cold and dead spiritually. B. There are those that cut the flock’s ration short in effort to preach to the non-members, but there are also those less noble men that leave out things merely because some member says he does not want to hear it. 1. It is too bad people are not more like dumb animals when it comes to feeding time. a. Animals will get out and find their own food if possible. 1) After cattle mature, they need very little supplemental feed. b. Animals also like what is good for them. 1) When they need to be fed, the more complete the ration is the better they like it. i. If it is not good for them usually it does not taste good and they just will not eat it. 2) Sadly, Christians can be just the opposite. i. They sometimes become satisfied with a ration that is not complete and murmur and complain when it is. 2. A well nourished flock (healthy or sound) is one in which each individual receives a regular balanced ration from the word of God. a. The responsibility is not entirely that of the elders and the preacher. 1). Every individual is responsible for himself. 2). You are responsible to find your own spiritual food. 3). If the preacher and the elders fail – well they will give an account. a) But if you don’t get your spiritual nutrition somewhere you will die spiritually. b) Thus, you are responsible for yourself. b. Most feeding (most nutrition you get) aught to be at home directly from the Bible. c. The ration that will make you spiritually healthy has already been formulated. 1) It is the “while council of God.” 2) It is found in the Bible and is there for the taking – like manna from heaven. 3) If you have a love for truth, it will satisfy your appetite yet keep you coming back for more. d. On the other hand, if your appetite is not good you have got a heart problem. 1) You need to have a talk with the Great Physician about it. 2) Another symptom of a heart problem is when someone has an apatite for truth but is unable to digest some of it. a) One that can digest spiritual food is one that has an appetite for it and can make the proper application to himself and obey. b) Obedience to God is essential to a healthy soul.
1 Pet. 1:22 - Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently;


I. I want to make one more point in the comparison of feeding livestock and the feeding the soul of the Christian. A. If baby animals on the farm don’t develop an appetite and eat the right foods they will die. 1. If they don’t get enough of the right foods they will not grow well, and after a certain point the affects are irreversible... 2. No rancher wants this type of an animal among his breeding stock. 1) They are called culls. 2) They are worthless as breeding stock. 3) It cost more to keep them than they will ever be worth, thus they are taken to slaughter. B. One striking difference in the parallel of the physical animal and the spiritual Christian is that a babe in Christ that doesn’t “desire the sincere milk of the word” they he may “grow thereby,” as Peter commanded, can repent and still grow to be a healthy, mature Christian (1 Pet 2:2). 1. How is your spiritual health? a. If it is poor, thank God that you can do something about it no matter what your age, no matter how long you’ve been a Christian. 2. If you are a Christian you are not going to be culled from the flock because you didn’t mature – that will come at the judgment. a. It will be too late to do anything then. b. But now you can do something. II. Remember the T.V. commercial, “If you’ve got your health you’ve got just about everything.” A. If you have physical health and spiritual health you DO have everything. You would have: 1. Peace of mind. 2. Happiness and 3. Hope of living in heaven eternally. III. Invitation A. If there be anyone present who would like to become a Christian you can by believing, repenting, confessing that Christ is the divine Son of God and being baptized. B. If there be any Christian that would like to make a public confession of any sin that is public we now give you that opportunity and we will pray with you and for you.

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